If you are a postgraduate student looking for a modern histology or microbiology laboratory to carry out your research, LabMedExpert will be delighted to provide the very best help you need....

We are offering opportunities to postgraduate students who is seeking a modern histopathology or microbiology laboratory to carry out their project. This opportunity is opened to all students currently undergoing a Master or Doctoral degree. This is a flexible practical session to suit individual candidates and enable them focus on their course works.

This option is only opened to those who are currently studying as stated above. Therefore if you are University graduate currently looking for a suitable training that will equip you with the experience to work within the pathology laboratory, our IHT or IMT will be much suitable for you.

Fill the below form to apply for our postgraduate classes. For more information or question, contact us on postgraduate@labmedexpert.com or 01902287065.


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